Systems Microbiome Medicine Lab
Lab Philosophy | Scientist |
粪毒入血,百病蜂起 | - 中医观点 - |
肠道菌群中某些成员产生的毒素是衰老的根源 | -梅契尼可夫- |
All disease begins in the Gut. Let food be the medicine and medicine be the food | -希波克拉底- |
Balance fosters homeostasis, while imbalance triggers dysbiosis, which is linked to various health problems | - YangLab - |
- 秉承系统生物学理念,应用前沿生物信息学及人工智能技术解读菌群内部及菌群-宿主共代谢平衡对人体健康的影响
- 开发调理这种平衡(Balance)的靶向菌群的干预方法(饮食、精准营养,益生菌等),旨在实现人体疾病的精准化诊疗。
The lab's research interests include:
- Microbiome in human health and diseases.
- Host-microbiome co-metabolism modeling for precision medicine.
- Microbiome-based markers and therapeutics for diseases & disorders.
- AI in medicine.